Contact Us

Get in touch with us. We’re happy to
answer any of your questions.

Contact Us

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    Head Office

    2323 Millwright Dr
    Abbotsford, BC V2T 6J8


    USA Warehouse

    Advanced Material Handling USA Ltd.
    161 Bellamy Place, Stockbridge, GA 30281


    Get in touch with us. We’re happy to
    answer any of your questions.

    Darin Falardeau

    North East USA, Eastern Canada, Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, and Nevada

    Matt Enns

    Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, & Oklahoma

    Nathan Carruthers

    Northern BC, Kootenays, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Minnesota, Wisconsin, & Michigan

    Tony Ingram

    Alabama, Georgia, and Florida

    Terry Baum

    North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virgina, West Virgina, and Kentucky